General InformationThis chapter contains general information regarding our license policy. Volume DiscountWe offer a volume discount to every Melomania user who intends to buy more than one license at once. When you place an order for Melomania, remember all your friends and relatives who also love music and may be interested in this software. If you buy more than one license at once, you receive a discount on every acquired license, including yours. To view all the prices and place an order for Melomania, please visit the Buy Now page. Upgrade PolicyAll minor upgrades (e.g. versions 1.00 through 1.99) are free for registered customers. A minor upgrade may add small improvements, or fix any bugs that were found in the software. Minor version upgrades are released frequently. Major upgrades (e.g. upgrading version 1.xx to 2.xx) will require an upgrade fee. The upgrade fee will normally be 75% or less of the cost of a new license. A major version upgrade adds new features, lots of improvements and may change its UI appearance. Major upgrades are not released very often, probably once a year or so. You will not be forced to upgrade your program to a new major version. You can continue to use an old version if you wish, and you can continue to receive support for that product. However, older versions will not receive future improvements or upgrades. If you have any questions regarding our license policy, you may contact us by e-mail contact@ableapples.com. |
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