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Recommended Links

This section contains links to related websites, which we think may be interesting to you.

Major music resources

All Music Guide is a largest music database on the Web. is number-one online store in the world.

FreeDB is a huge online database to look up CD information. is a music data search solution based on FreeDB data and powered by PostgreSQL.

Digital music formats

ID3v2 is the most popular standard for tagging digital audio files.

FLAC is a Free Lossless Audio Codec.

WavPack is a completely open audio compression format providing lossless, high-quality lossy, and a unique hybrid compression mode.

Monkey's Audio is a fast and easy-to-use lossless codec for compressing digital music.

Vinyl-related resources

The Record Collectors Guild is online club of vinyl record collectors.

Vinyl Underground is a gallery of picture discs and colored vinyl records.

Developer links

Rocket Division Software is a company that specializes in providing system-software solutions for Windows NT/2000/XP/.NET/UNIX. We use their StarBurn SDK in our software.

Software archives

Download3k is an archive of free downloads for Windows. is a free downloads software, shareware, freeware center.

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Locate In Navigator

Locate In Navigator

Jump from search results to target item by choosing Locate In Navigator from context menu.

Bread Crumbs

Bread Crumbs

"Bread crumbs" allow you to navigate through the music database the most quick and handy way.

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